DAY 1: Introduce yourself / List your likes and dislikes

Hi. My name is Sara, and I am 32 years old.  Sometimes I don’t believe it, but that is a whole ‘nother story.  I live in Amarillo, Texas.

Likes: coffee, Jesus, friends, family, traveling, sleeping late or at all, carnivals, amusement parks, music and about a million other things.

Dislikes: squash, people who lie, the smell of vanilla, migraine heachaches, and those annoying hairs that get all over everything even when you don’t have a pet!

Nice to meet you. 🙂

One thought on “DAY 1: Introduce yourself / List your likes and dislikes

  1. paperclip says:

    You don’t like the smell of vanilla? 🙂 I’m sure you have loads of other likes and dislikes which you didn’t try to write out. I did. And it turned out VERY long! It’s here at

    I should’ve named it “All the things I love”. Lol!

    You might enjoy my two blogs. Goes along the same themes you like. Check them out if you’ve free time. No pressure. 1.

    Anyway, hope you find many more things to write about and,

    Nice to meet you too! 🙂

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