The Call: Washington DC

As I type this, tens of thousands of Americans gather on The Mall in Washington DC. They gather to worship God and petition Him on behalf of the victims of abortion and to petition Him that He would bring revival to America. I join them in that petition.

What will it take for our nation to return to God? So many people claim to be Christians but refuse to be like Him. Refuse to take up a cross and follow. Lately, I’ve been one of them. I have no idea where my passion has gone, but I pray God that You would restore it to me a thousand fold. Me – a prisoner of HOPE!

You have heard my weeping, Lord. You alone know my heart and mind. Renew in me all that You would have me be! Make the fire in me burn through, O’ God. Abba, please. Please, I beg of You: return my purpose to me. Though I have forsaken You, You have never left me! What would You have of me, GOD!? What would You have me do? What is the Burn, God, that I can’t escape it? Everywhere, God EVERYWHERE I see Sean and the burning ones. I beg You, GOD. I BEG OF YOU. RETURN MY PURPOSE TO ME. I want to burn before You. EQUIP me, Lord! I don’t know where to go from here. I don’t know what to do! Is that what You’re waiting on me to say? IS THAT WHAT I HAVE TO SAY FOR YOU TO SHOW ME WHAT TO DO? I will do whatever YOU require. PLEASE, ABBA! Please. I will do whatever YOU require me to do!  Without You, I can do NOTHING. Without YOU, I AM NOTHING.  I have sinned, Abba, I HAVE SINNED without regard to what You love.  Please forgive me!  I give my heart to You – the piece of crap that it is!  I give ME to YOU. Please, God! Please. PLEASE. Please. I want nothing other than You, my God!  In Jesus’ name. Amen.