END IT! Shine a Light on Slavery

Right now, around the world, over 27 million men, women and children are being held against their will.  They are modern-day slaves.  Abolishing slavery didn’t make it disappear; it just made it hidden in plain sight.  Slavery is ILLEGAL everywhere, but it still HAPPENS nearly everywhere.

There is a tribe of people out there who are in it to end it. We are the #enditmovement and we are serious about raising awareness about human trafficking and ending slavery.  The Polaris Project runs a contact for victims to help them get out, if they can hear about this opportunity.

“Victims and concerned citizens can now send text messages to “BeFree” (233733) and instantly connect with the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) hotline (1-888-3737-888), operated by Polaris Project.”

Will you join us? Let the world know that you don’t want to live in a world with slavery.




The Color Run!

The time for registration is here!  I just registered out team and I am SO excited about this year.


Go Kaleidoscope Hope! 😀


Do something awesome today.  You’ll be glad you did!

Wow! Urban kaleidoscope!

Happy New Year – 2014 is Here!

Last evening was a wonderful time surrounded by family and friends. I’m so thankful for the blessings that God has bestowed on me.

Some of my dearest friends weren’t able to be with us last night, but I hope they know that they were present in my heart.

I wish nothing but the best 2014 for everyone I know.

Here’s hoping God grants us more good times than bad, more laughter than tears, more creativity than stagnancy, and more grace than unforgiveness.

I love you! Yes, you!!










Feeling Chatty?

For a long time I was part of an online forum for Christians.  It started out as an amazing community, but then for this reason and that it started going down the toilet.


Not long ago some friends of mine started a new forum for Christians mostly, but people of any religion are encouraged to join and post.  We’re not trying to convert anyone, so don’t let that be your worry. 😉  The point of the forums at www.chattychristians.com is “to serve as a place for mature discussion, open conversation, and lasting fellowships among Christians of all walks and viewpoints. We encourage our members to speak from a position of truth and love, remain Godly in the midst of disagreements, and seek to bless and be blessed.”


If you’re looking for a place to converse with other Christians, you should definitely join us.  I look forward to seeing you there.  My handle is “Sara,” so feel free to chat me up on there.


That’s all for now.


Thanks for reading,




2013 is on the Horizon…

In 2012, I went through a lot of changes.  In January (1-2-12) I married the best man I have ever known, Dustin.  At the time, I had two foster children.  They returned to their family in February, and it was heartbreaking to me. I really did not expect to be quite so attached to them.  However, I’m glad they have been able to return to a normal family life and experience love from their biological families.  In April, my niece came to live with us.  She was having some trouble in school and what not, so Dustin (AMAZING MAN!) and I decided that we would give it a shot.  It has changed (for the better, I think) both of us.  Around June we found out that my brother had cancer, and he has been fighting it through chemotherapy since then and we now know that he is CANCER FREE!!! Throughout the year I lost friends, family members, and former classmates unexpectedly.    I also have really lapsed in going to church, and I had some faith issues that I had to work through.  I’m feeling much stronger in my relationship with the Father now.  In addition to (and sometimes in spite of) all that, I lost SIXTY pounds! That’s a whole child. hehe.  Just ten days ago, I survived the end of the world.  Life is good. 😉

I thought I’d put my plans for 2013 here in black and white…or whatever color it shows up. 😉  So, here they are…

  • Get back on track with exercise. I gotta face it, I haven’t worked out (really) in two months.  That is SO sad.  I want to lose another sixty-five pounds this year.  
  • I think I’ll try vegetarian again, or maybe veggie with fish.  I’m diggin’ it. I felt a lot better when I didn’t eat meat.
  • Read my Bible.  More often, and more of it.  I’d like to get through the whole New Testament, at the very least.
  • Pray more diligently for others and for myself.
  • Learn to either knit or crochet.
  • Finish Ashlynn, Brently, and Jace’s scrapbooks.  This is ridiculous since Ashy is four and I was supposed to do it right after her first birthday. LAME – O.
  • Move into our own house; like…we OWN the house.  Pretty excited about this prospect since we’re supposed to close in just around two weeks.
  • Take at least 24 credit hours of college courses toward my teaching degree.
  • Take a vacation with my honey, and maybe take The Girl along.
  • Try at least one new thing that Dustin suggests.
  • Be more kind.
  • Be more loving.
  • Be more genuine in thought and deed.
  • Put in more effort to be a great friend; reject mediocrity.
  • Actually WRITE to my friends/pen-pals.
  • Let go of more “stuff.”
  • Be myself.
  • Listen more and speak less.
  • Doodle, draw, paint – CREATE more!
  • Be a better parent to my niece.
  • Read at least 52 books.
  • Mark at least one thing off of my bucket list!
  • Make and participate in the “Good Things of 2013” jar I saw on Pinterest.
  • Try to learn to play golf.
  • Reduce, recycle, reuse as much as I can. Make a difference!
  • Buy more music!
  • Stop biting my nails.
  • Save up the money for a craft building at the new house.
  • Pay down some of the student loan debt.
  • Actually follow-through with all of these plans. 🙂

I think that’s it. What are your plans for 2013? It is the year of tremendous blessing.

Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.  Happy New Year!



No words…

Sometimes there are no words that can express how you’re truly feeling at that moment.  Times when sadness is so overwhelming that all you can do is weep.  Times when the pain is so sharp that even tears will not come.  There are times when I cannot express how much I love my friends without fear of being the weird one (in a bad way), or the fear of them thinking I am saying such things flippantly.  I assure you that every time I tell someone I love them, it is with absolute honesty and sincerity.

At any rate…some of my friends are going through some very tough things right now, and sometimes I fear they will take my response for not caring or for being overly dramatic.  It’s not that.  It’s that I feel exactly what they’re feeling and am sometimes unable to respond in a way that they understand.

This year, these are the verses I’m clinging to; this is what I’m focusing on.  God, that I may be salt and light to Your world.  That I may respond in a way that is understood by those around me.

Romans 12:9-21 (emphasis mine) NIV

 9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.

17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

If you prefer the more poetic version, the following are the same verses in The Message (Bible Paraphrase).

9-10Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.

11-13Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

14-16Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down. Get along with each other; don’t be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don’t be the great somebody.

17-19Don’t hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you’ve got it in you, get along with everybody. Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do. “I’ll do the judging,” says God. “I’ll take care of it.”

20-21Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.

It is my hope and prayer for all of us today that we live our lives with the purpose and destiny God has granted us.  Please be steadfast in praying one for another.  If there is anything I can do for you, a prayer that I can agree with you through…just let me know.

Love, Salt, Light…



I searched for a while to find something that expresses how I feel.  I didn’t really find anything. All the verses, poems and songs I found sounded rather cliche.

I adored you, Momma Cat.  You taught me so much about Jesus, about spiritual warfare, about being a woman, and about love.  I’m so grateful to our God for every moment I had with you. 

Lately I’ve been thinking about middle of the night trips to Wal-Mart to buy comforters and things.  Remembering 09/11/01 when we were together and how much you reassured me that things would be okay.  We cried together that day, and I remember thinking that I would never forget it. 

Time kept going by, too fast, but I always think of you.  Some of the things make me laugh. Like the time Joey scared you, Johnnie, Jamie and I at Fuller’s Park so bad.  I still don’t know how he made it all the way out there and home before we did.  Or the time when Piggo got into Diddy’s bag and ate cigarettes and toothpaste.

Then the tears come; knowing I can’t see you again, that I can’t laugh and talk with you.  I have cried so much that I keep thinking it’s not possible to go on again yet the tears always return.  It broke my heart to lose you and a part of it went with you when you left.

I will cherish the memories with you forever, Catherine.  I loved you so much and I miss you more than words can say.



In Loving Memory
Catherine O’Linda Hawthorn
February 26, 1954 — August 10, 2011



With love,


Day 13: Whatever tickles your fancy – Running vs Going

For two years I have been praying for God to guide me; specifically for Him to guide me away from this place.  It’s no secret that I do not enjoy living in Amarillo.  Sure, I love my family and friends and I adore my church…but Amarillo? Not so much.

Last night at our women’s group (aka gathering for friends!), we talked about it a little.  I told them how I have set a “Move-or-Die” date for myself: October 22, 2012.  Of course, that’s sort of a weird name for a decision date, so they wanted to know what I mean.  I explained that basically I have to move by then or suck it up and be content with living in Amarillo.  My friend, Rebekah, told me that it seems like I’m running rather than going.  She told me to stop striving, and to be content with my life where I am.  She shared something God spoke to her regarding her own life; “I’m not going to move you until you’re content with where you are.”  God holding out until you’re content? Really?  I have to admit that hearing it hurt; my mind couldn’t make any sense of it, but my heart did.

Today, as I drove by 3607 SE 29th Ave, I heard God whisper again to me of my dream of buying a house.  This particular house has been for sale for several months.  Nearly every day my attention is drawn to it, and I love it and pray over it.  Today I decided to look online to see how much it is.  The answer is $70,400 – it is a three bedroom, two baths home; a little over 1400 square feet. Dark hardwood floors in the living area.  It was built in 1937!!!! My heart beat fast.  “Do you want more information?”  YES! Yes, I do!  I clicked the link, input my information and typed “How long has this home been on the market?  Do you have more pictures, or a floor plan showing the sleeping areas?”  I clicked submit.  I exhale.  It’s done.

I chat with a friend about it.  Show it to her. Isn’t it gorgeous?!  Other than the ugly yellow paint, I mean. 🙂 That’s okay, I can paint. She tells me that the best thing to do is to contact a mortgage lender and get prequalified.  I sigh and say yes; I may have more questions for you.  As I scroll back up the page, I see a link – “Get prequalified.”  WHAT?  Okay.   Should I?   It’s not legally binding, right?  I do it.  I fill out the short form and click submit.  And now I’m waiting.  Waiting to see what the future holds.

Should I stay or should I go now?  I guess we’ll see.  Guide me, Lord.  I love You and even though I’m pushy sometimes, I truly want to only do Your will.

If you’re reading this, pray for me. I appreciate it.

Day 1 – Your best friend.

My best friend.  Hmm.  Usually when people ask who my best friend is, I say Edna.  It’s an automatic response these days.  We’ve been “best” friends for nearly 20 years.  I’m searching my heart now to make sure I’ve got the answer right.  First, lets look at what qualifies a person as a best friend.

From dictionary.com:

best friend
the one friend who is closest to you

The one friend who is closest to me.  Yeah, I suppose that it still Edna.  🙂 There have been times in the last 19 years when we weren’t the closest, but I think we are now.  I hope that she knows how much I value her and just generally love her.  Edna has the biggest heart in the world for children.  She has two adopted girls (my God-daughters, Keely and Kayley) and currently has three foster children.  By the time she is done fostering, she hopes to have adopted five children.  I think that is an amazing goal and I know that God is using her mightily in this way.

Thank you, Edna – for 19 lovely years of friendship. I hope we have *at least* that many more. I love you and I praise God for you.


I received this from a friend today.  May God bless her for her obedience in telling me.

God really enjoys you, He loves your heart that worships Him and thinks about Him like you do. He knows you are grateful to Him. I just feel this right now for you. He digs you a lot!!!  She rocks and she rolls, I hear Him saying. ( I see you right now, with your hands like when we have them out in front of us in a “cup shape” like when you are holding something in the cups of your hands,  I feel something very, very sweet and personal is being given to you, or opened up for you or you are about to discover something very, very dear to your heart, just for you.) Wow, that was sweet, be looking for it Sara, He’s doing that with you. Just wanted to share that vision, it just came as I was writing you. Your also a great patient teacher, He is increasing that on you, you have something to say as well, to teach others about. Your calm and gentle, patient spirit and heart will reach many.